Newly Added to KEN 3.0
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus tincidunt tincidunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac pulvinar pellentesque egoists.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed eu ante eget nisl convallis tempus phasellus ante lectus tincidunt tincidunt dui rhoncus interdum est sed molestie quis augue ac pulvinar pellentesque egoists.
Artbees most advanced admin panel is a host of brand-new features and user-centered development.
The Ken 3.0 comes with the latest version of world’s #1 Drag&Drop page composer to reach maximum efficiency.
The Ken 3.0 is a tuned for maximum compatibility and beauty within different viewports.
The Ken 3.0 version is designed with latest trends and and is compatible with modern design practices.
Updated to latest Page Composer version
6 New Transition Scenarios . 4 New Slider Handle Styles
3 New Pagination Styles . Added Parallax option
Testimonial Slider Modern Style . Pricing Table Modern Style
Contact Form Modern Style . Image Box Modern Style
Tab Slider Added . Theatre Slider added
Image Gallery Modern Style . 6 New Portfolio Hover Scenarios
5 New header styles .3 new page intro styles
Added Full width header possibility
Added Background and widget feature to Mega Menu
Added new site based demo base . New demo site delivered periodically